Saturday 1st November saw ITF Scotland come together for its AGM this year held at the Stirling Management Centre,Stirling. Ninety one plaque holders turned out to the 2014 meeting, where a summary of the years events was given to the membership, as well as information regarding 2015 events.
As this 2014 was the end of the board’s two year term, the meeting culminated with elections of the new board.
Newly Elected ITF Scotland Board of Directors
President: Grand Master Thomas MacCallum IX Degree
Senior Vice President: Master Mark Hutton VII Degree
2nd Vice President: Master David McNairn VII Degree
3rd Vice President: Mr. Robin Blair VI Degree
Secretary General: Mr. David Condie V Degree
Treasurer: Mrs. Gillian McIlvaney IV Degree
Board Member: Master Jamie Campins VII Degree
Board Member: Mr. Garry Shaw VI Degree
Board Member: Mr. Brian McGowan V Degree
The membership would like to thank our our going board members; Master Gordon Wallace VIII Degree, Mr. David Lupton V Degree and Mr. Andrew Knox I Degree for their hard work and dedication towards ITF Scotland over the last term(s).