22nd December 2014 Dear Masters and Instructors, ITF Scotland National Team Selection I invite all competitors to apply for selection to the ITF Scotland National Team attending the World Championships in Jeselo, Italy – 27th to 31st May 2015. The selection event will be held on Sunday 25th January at GMAC Martial Arts, Craigshill …
Category: News
Dec 18
Seminar with Katya Solovey
Dates: 20th – 21st June 2015 Dear Masters, Instructors, Blackbelts and Students, We are delighted Mrs Solovey has agreed to visit us here in Aberdeen, Scotland and we hope that she enjoys here visit very much. She, along with her assistant Miss Viktoria Sokolovska, will conduct three sessions. As we have a very large competitive …
Dec 15
ITF Scotland E-mail’s
All ITF Scotland plaque holders should now be receiving official emails from the Secretary General ( secretarygeneral @ itfscotland . com) and Treasurers Office ( treasurer @ itfscotland . com ). If you have not yet received any e-mail’s please forward your email address to our treasurer at your earliest convenience.
Nov 12
National Team Pattern Training Dates
Dear ITF Scotland Instructors & Students, National Pattern training will be held on the following 3 dates at the North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth, PH1 5BF Saturday 15th November 2014 Saturday 22nd November 2014 Saturday 6th December 2014 Time: 1 – 3pm Cost: £5 per session, payable on the day This training is open to all Blue Belts and above who …
Nov 11
2014 ITF Scotland AGM
Saturday 1st November saw ITF Scotland come together for its AGM this year held at the Stirling Management Centre,Stirling. Ninety one plaque holders turned out to the 2014 meeting, where a summary of the years events was given to the membership, as well as information regarding 2015 events. As this 2014 was the end of the …
Nov 02
ITF Scotland Technical Training – 23rd November 2014
ITF Scotland’s Technical Training Seminar will be held on Sunday 23rd November from 12 noon to 3pm. This event is open to 3rd Degree’s and above, and will be taught by the ITF Scotland Technical Committee. Venue: GMAC Martial Arts, Craigwillow Centre, Craigshill Road, Craigshill, Livingston, EH54 5DT
Oct 06
National Team Training Dates – October 2014
National Squad Training will resume from Sunday 12th October 2015. The sessions will run on a weekly basis unless otherwise advertised until selections for the ITF World Championships in Jesolo, Italy, May 2015. Those who wish to try out for the team selection should attend these weekly sessions. Full list of scheduled October dates can …
Oct 06
International Instructors Course, Aberdeen, Scotland. March 13th – 15th 2015
Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and Students, RE: 100th INTERNATIONAL INSTRUCTORS’ – COURSE MARCH 13 – 15 2015 – ABERDEEN SCOTLAND On behalf of our Grand Master, Masters and Instructors of the International Taekwon-Do Federation – (Scotland) we are truly honoured to invite you to the 100th International Instructors Course (IIC), to be held in …
Sep 17
ITF Scotland – Annual General Meeting 2014
ITF Scotland will host their Annual General Meeting on 1st November according to the following schedule; SATURDAY 1st NOVEMBER 2014 Venue: Stirling Management Centre, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA Time: 12 noon onwards. Dress Code: Official ITF Black Belt Attire (Navy Suit, White Shirt & Grade Tie) An agenda will be forwarded …