ITF Scotland Championships 9th April 2016

2016 Scottish Champs PosterITF Scottish Championships 2016


It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the ITF Scottish Championships on Saturday 9th April, in Motherwell, Scotland.

This competition is open to all ITF Taekwon-Do students 10th Kup to 6th Degree.

Please take the time to read the following information. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Tournament & Umpire Committee.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at the competition.


Yours in Taekwon-Do


Mrs. G. McIlvaney

ITF Scotland Tournament Committee


2016 ITFS Scottish Championship Invite

2016 ITFS National Champs – Ind Entry

2016 ITFS Instructor Top Sheet

Instructors Course – 6th & 7th February 2016

ITF Scotland LogoDear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and Members,

ITF Scotland invite you to the 2016 Instructors Course, to be held on 6th & 7th February 2016. Venue is GMAC Martial Arts, Livingston, EH54 5DT.

This course is open to Red Belts and above, aged 16 and over.

The course will include instructor qualification, child protection qualification and first aid qualification necessary to teach classes within ITF Scotland.

I look forward to your participation.

Yours sincerely,


Master D. McNairn

ITF Scotland



ITFS Instructors Course Application


Selections for European Championships 2016

youtube-900x400Dear Masters, Instructors and competitors,
Please note that this Sunday will be the last chance for potential squad members to make themselves known to the coaches.  In the hall there will be a number of sign-up sheets for different individual and team events.  Those wishing to be considered for selection, should add their names to the relevant form/s.
Based in the information we gather from the sign-up forms, we will be able to make a decision as to whether or not there is a need for a selection competition to go ahead in February.  So if you are hoping for a place in the squad, please come along to this Sunday and sign up!
A reminder also to our members that the position of Team Patterns Coach is still vacant.  This position needs to be filled immediately so we can prepare any competitors hoping to enter this event.
Please email me at if you have any questions or concerns regarding the above.
National Squad Training
Sunday 31st of January 11.00am – 2.00pm
Craigwillow Centre, Livingston
EH54 5DT
Master J. Campins VII
ITF Scotland Team Director

ITF Scotland Umpire Course – 19th March 2016

2014-04-13 13.16.37ITF Scotland will host the 2016 Umpire Course on Saturday 19th March at GMAC Martial Arts Livingston.

Full details and application forms to follow.


ITF Scotland National Championships – 9th April 2016

2016 Scottish Champs PosterThe ITF Scotland National Championships will be held on Saturday 9th April at Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility, Motherwell, ML1 2TZ.


Full information and invitation will be available soon.

2016 ITF Scotland Calendar of Events

2016The 2016 Calendar of Events Page has been updated to include events due over the coming year.

Please check back regularly for updated information.


European Championships 2016 National Team Training

National Squad***National Squad Training***

Training begins this Sunday 10th January in preparation for the 2016 European Championships in Tampere Finland from 28th April – 1st May.

Those wishing to be considered for selection should attend all up and coming sessions.

January dates;

Sunday 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st

Trainings will be weekly until the competition, unless otherwise advertised.

All sessions will take place at GMAC Martial Arts, Livingston from  11am – 2.30pm, cost £10.


Mr. McIlvaney
Team Manager

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

ITFS Merry ChristmasOn behalf of ITF Scotland Board of Directors and Seniors we would like to take the opportunity to wish you all seasons greetings, and look forward to working together in 2016.

New National Team Appointments

National SquadDear Members,

Having recently been appointed ITF Scotland Team Director, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the following individuals who have been selected for the following positions –

Team Manager – Mr. John McIlvaney VI

Head Sparring Coach – Mr. Robin Blair VI

Patters Coaching staff – Master Campins VII & Mr. Robin Blair VI (temporarily, until permanent coach is appointed).

Preparations for the 2016 European Championships will start with our first ITF Scotland squad training session, which will take place on Sunday the 10th of January 2016, from 11:00am -2:00pm at GMAC gym in Livingston.

I am looking forward to working with you all and have every confidence that together we can continue to build on the success of the last campaign.  We have the talent, the experience and the will to do great things!

May I take this opportunity to wish you all happy well-earned holiday, as well as a happy, exciting and successful new year!


Master Campins VII

ITF Scotland Team Director.

2015 NTA North East Challenge Cup – 5th December

12063735_10153752391943919_1776917386643381838_nDear Grand Master, Masters & Instructors,
It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the 2015 North East Challenge Cup on Saturday 5th December 2015 at the Aberdeen Sports Village, Linksfield Rd, Aberdeen AB24 5RU, 01224 438900.
We will endeavour to have senior grades on our centre ring, which is equipped with our ITF scoring system, therefore developing their experience with this International system.
Please find attached all the information and forms required.
We look forward to hosting you at our annual competition.
Best regards,
Mr Mark Boydell
V Degree
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