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Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 13.12.34You can now subscribe to the ITF Scotland Website, and receive all news postings direct to your e-mail address.  Sign-up and be the first to receive news and information as they are posted on the site.

To sign up add your email address to the subscription box and hit “subscribe”.

Scotland Team – World Championships 2015

ITF Scotland wil be represented by 22 members from across Scotland at the forthcoming World Championships in Jesolo, Italy from 26th – 31st May 2015.

The national team have been training week-in-week-out over the last six months in preparation for the event beginning on Tuesday.  This year see’s many new competitors join the squad on their first international and world event, as well as a number of seasoned regulars.

Senior Female Team;  Stephanie Willis, Alice Wilson, Katie Humphries, Megan Brown, Rachel Morning & Caitlin McGhee

Senior Male Team;  Chris Dickson, Alexander Gray, Gilles Brown, Iain O’Hare & David Gray

Junior Female Team; Katrina Carr, Erin Blair, Dannielle Gallacher, Danielle Simmers, Jodie Boydell, Christina McGhee, Alex Marshall & Elle trinder

Junior Male Team; Michael McRoberts, Gregor Towers & Matthew O’Hare

Coaching Staff:  Robin Blair VI, John McIlvaney VI, Mark Boydell V, David Condie V, Daniel McGhee IV


Also in attendance will be ITF Scotland President Grand Master MacCallum.  Master Gordon Wallace who will be assisting the ITF Tournament Committee, and Mrs Wallace who shall be assisting with the ring councils during the event.


We would like to once again thank our National Team Sponsors Mightyfist UK for kitting the team out with their competition Doboks.

And Arnold Clark Motorstores for the sponsorship of the 2015 team wear.

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A daily report will be posted on the progress of the team over the duration of the event.  Check back regularly for updates from Italy.

Seminar with Miss Katya Solovey

imagen.phpDear Masters and Instructors,

Miss Katya Solovey Seminar, Aberdeen, Scotland 20-21 June 2015 

Please find enclosed details of our sparring seminar with Miss Katya Solovey III and assisted by Miss Viktoriia Sokolovska II. Miss Solovey needs no introduction and her partnership with her husband Sabum Oleg, in launching their Fight Evolution Programme has been widely received around the World.

Here in the NE of Scotland we are very excited to host the:

 2 times ITF World champion

 9 times ITF European champion

 2 times ITF World cup champion

 2 times ITF European cup champion

 3 times WAKO World champion

 2 times WAKO European champion

 4 times WAKO World cup champion

 WAKO World cup 2012 light-contact best fighter

to our small part of the country during the weekend of Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st June 2015 and we extend this invitation for participation to all ITF members. We intend to have three seminars of the weekend to allow all ages and grades the experience of training with one of the foremost female sparring competitors in the ITF and who also extended her Taekwon-Do success to the WAKO kickboxing circuit.

Miss Solovey, ably assisted with Miss Sokolovska, will essentially determine the seminar contents but it will be based upon ITF sparring systems, drills and conditioning exercises that have made her the great champion that she is.

Please review the adjoining Information pages in this handout for further details.

Yours sincerely,

Master Gordon Wallace VIII

Northern Taekwon-Do Academies (NTA)





The venue will be the Beach Leisure Centre, Sea Beach Aberdeen, AB24 5NR, Scotland UK and it is the same venue that we had the 100 IIC in.


10:30 – 11:00 Hall Open and registration for 1st Seminar

11:00 – 12:30 SEMINAR ONE ALL GRADES WHITE – BLUE (3rd KUP) (Under 13 yrs. All participants must have sparring equipment and should bring one training pad with them) Plus photo session

12:30 – 13:30 Break for Lunch

13:30 – 14:00 Registration for 2nd Seminar

14:00 – 16:00 SEMINAR TWO ALL GRADES (13 yrs and over. All participants must have sparring equipment and should bring one training pad with them)

16:00 – 16:30 Photo Session


12:00 – 12:30 Hall open and Registration for 3rd Seminar

12:30 – 15:00 SEMINAR THREE 2nd Kups and BLACKBELTS ONLY (All ages. All participants should bring one training pad with them)

15:00 – 15:30 Photo Session

All applications queries should go to Mrs Jacqui Wallace III at

All seminar queries should go to Master Gordon Wallace VIII at



Entry to the seminar will be by pre-paid ticket that is available only through the Organising Committee.

Seminar One and Two will be limited to 100 people per seminar and will be booked on a first come first served basis. Confirmation of your places will be done when the seminar fees are received in the NTA Account. Your instructor will be given an email confirmation and we will send out the participation tickets

Seminar Three for Red and Blackbelts will be limited to 65 in order to give all attendees more focused training with Miss Solovey. Red and blackbelts can also attend seminar two on Saturday afternoon and as extra session but not as an alternative.

All registrations must be done through instructor or group as we cannot accept individual applications from students.




SEMINARS 2 & 3* RED and BLACK £40 

*Red and black belts may attend Seminar Two as an add on but not as an alternative.



The Seminar Organising Committee is not responsible for any accommodation bookings. Should you require accommodation there are an array of budget hotels within the City Centre area.

There are a range of budget hotels:

The following central hotels are not far from the Seminar Venue 

In addition to those listed and I am sure you will have your own web finder preferences, but here is one that we use:




Seminar Information Document 

Individual Entry Application Form

School Entry Application Form

IIC 100 Report

11082168_1055175037830390_1438186223513101198_oITF Scotland were hosts to the 100th International Instructors Course, in Aberdeen, Scotland over the weekend of 13th – 15th March 2015.

Below you can find a report compiled by Master Gordon Wallace 8th Degree and Master David McNair 7th Degree.



Thursday 12/3/15

100 IIC week started early with the arrival of the ITF Board of Directors and to Aberdeen for their first full board meeting of 2015. After some small sightseeing trips and good food, it was down to two days of business for them.  During this time members of the Technical Committee started to arrive.


On Thursday evening after day two of the meeting our ITF Board and Committee members were officially welcomed to Aberdeen by the City Lord Provost, Councillor George Adam at his official council chambers.  The purpose of the reception was for the city to officially welcome the ITF Board of Directors and Technical Committee with informal drinks reception.

 The evening started After his welcome address and the reply from Snr Vice President Master Weiler.  During his reply Master Weiler presented with an ITF lapel pin badge. Afterwards our VIPs were invited to an excellent buffet that was greeted enthusiastically by our VIPs. A tour of the Chambers followed directed by the town sergeant explaining the history of the building and its many artefacts. The reception evening lasted about 2 hours and it celebrated the start of IIC weekend.


Friday 13/3/15

Day One at 13:30 on Friday it started with the entrance of the ITF Board of Directors, minus of course, our President who could not make it due to extra ordinary circumstances, Aberdeen Lord Provost. Councellor George Adam and followed by the Technical Committee of GM Marano, GM Bos, GM Lan and making his inaugural position within the Technical Committee, from Canada Master Clint Norman and Master Donato Nardizzi of the Children’s Development Committee.  After the initial welcome addresses and official opening statement from Snr Vice President Master Paul Weiler, the 100th IIC declared open and it was time for business.


The assembly turned and paid respect in the now traditional Narani So Hanulson.  GM Bos opened the IIC first session with his trademark passionate array of hi energy drills, exercises and stretches.  From the balcony, venue staff members said their eyes were hurting with all the white suits dashing around everywhere.  Motivation being the key element in GM Bos’s instruction had everyone severely on their toes and knuckles at some points to give all practitioners the old memory and new experience of how training used to be on a wooden floor.


GM Marano then took over to give his trademark detailed section of fundamental movement with this time giving the key focus on the body movement, whilst stepping, changing stance sliding and shifting.  The fundamental theories were then put into practice with the early Kup grade patterns and they finished with Won Hyo.


Gm Lan took the next session of defending and attacking at the various distances and used drills of step and side shifting to highlight the importance of correct positioning to maximise the counter attack effectiveness. GM Lan then gave demonstrations and examples of close quarter defence and counters when being restrained and explained the importance of eliminating potential additional attacks by putting your opponent in a position of disadvantage.


Master Norman made his IIC debut by continuing the sparring theme from practical sparring theories into competition sparring theories.  The example drills were given in the form of practical inline sequences followed by demonstration drills by volunteers using focus equipment.


The afternoon session closed at 17:30.



Saturday 14/03/15


The second day started with “An Audience with GM MacCallum” in which he gave a narrative about his life and times with General Choi.  The talk was laced with some straight stories laced with some very funny anecdotes which gave everyone an insight into the public and private personality of our Founder.


Master Norman led the first technical session with all participants guiding them through 1st degree patterns with a move by move explanation. GM Bos followed on with another hi energy kicking session with dynamic drills and exercises, not to mention a new “Shaving Chagi”, endorsed by Mr Brett Stronach IV degree from England.  After the break the group split with GM Lan leading 2nddegree patterns and Master Norman directing the 1st degree group with the remainder of the Kup grade patterns.


Lunch break was followed with the afternoon session led by Master Nardizzi and the Kids Programme.  In a very animated and group participating session Master Nardizzi showed many of the techniques and methods for leading a class of young students.  There was much role playing and laughter with his team acting out the special trial and tribulations of a junior student class leader.


The IIC weekend then got prepared for the 100 IIC Scottish themed Banquet.  The banquet was held at the home of Aberdeen FC, Pittodrie Stadium and 257 attendees had booked their places. Prior to this weekend the Technical Committee along with the ITF President were asked if they would like to get into the spirit of the Scottish evening by wearing traditional Scottish Highland dress.  All agreed including our President GM Trajtenberg, but of course he was not to attend, so in keeping with the duties of the Snr Vice President, Master Weiler agreed to fill his shoes, or kilt in this occasion.


A piper greeted the guests and the evening started with a reception drinks for the ITF VIPs whilst the banquet guests took their places. The ITF Board of Directors and Technical Committee were piped in to the guests in the room.  Master Wallace welcomed all to the Banquet and gave an outline of the evening.  Everyone was then treated to a pre-recorded video message from GM Trajtenberg and the successful candidates from the day’s degree test were given specially prepared congratulation cards to commemorate their achievement.


To start the Scottish evening properly a special tribute was given to the Scottish poet Robert Burns.  Each year he is remembered in the form of a supper of a local dish “Haggis”.  Burns made a special address to the “Haggis” and this address was acted out in front of the guests where it is ceremoniously “sacrificed” then served up to eat.  After the Banquet Dinner, guests were then treated to a Scottish Ceiled, where all guest were in full spirit and filled the dance floor, enthusiastically getting through the many varied Scottish dances.  The Banquet closed at 12 midnight with many of the VIPs staying late.  It was a fantastic night with many great photo opportunities and we would like to especially thank the many visitors who embraced the Scottish themed night.


Sunday 15/3/15


A very prompt start to the Sunday, with everyone lining up at 09:00. 


We were invited to sit and were given a presentation on the ITF Africa project (by the ITF VP, Mtr Wieler) and the progress of II Deg Mr Kamir and his prosthetic leg.


GM Bos followed with a warm up and some stretching for all. The hall was then divided into 2 groups, with I & II deg with Master Norman covering the colour belt patterns.

GM Bos then proceeded with III & IV degree patterns, he was pretty laid back with these but took some time to show the application of some of the
more complicated movements. There was a bit of Banter during these demos and GMB remarked how the IIC’s have changed since the General Choi days and that it was
possible to make jokes and laugh with the masters and other ranks. GM Marano & Lan were on hand walking thru the lines making small corrections to individuals
if required.

Again the hall was split  V – IX degree and I – IV degrees, the higher degrees went thru their patterns with GM Marano.


The lower degrees lined up under GM Lan then buddied up 1-2-1. GM Lan spent the rest of the morning showing kicking combinations and sparring drills which can be used to speed up everyone’s reaction times.

Everyone lined up in front of the ITF board, sadly due to over-running on the schedule some members had to leave to make flights and trains and missed out on what was to follow.

Master Wallace took to the microphone and one by one thanked the ITF Technical Committee and Board for their attendance, he presented gifts  symbolising friendship and spirit in TKD.

He spoke from the heart about his memories going back 30+ years with GM Bos and emphasised that this was GM Bos last European IIC now that he was starting a new
chapter with the ICCs, as an observer. According to testament from others, this was the most emotional scenes I’ve ever witnessed at an IIC. 


Each of the board members made their own acceptance speech in return and thanked the IIC organisers for what had been a wonderful  week. In an unusual turn of events GM Bos then made a presentation to
both Master Wallace and Mrs Wallace, to thank him for his organisation of the event, (again, testament from others) MW was visibly surprised humbled and quite emotional, 

The VP then officially closed the 100th IIC, there was the customary  group photo, followed by individual photos and book signing before a swift departure  


Report by


Master Gordon Wallace VIII and Master David McNairn VII

2015 ITF Scottish Championships Report

ITF Scotland held their 2015 National Championships on Sunday 22nd February at the Bellahouston Sports Centre, Glasgow, hosted by Master Mark Hutton, 7th Degree and TKD Scotland.

This years championships were record breaking, with 501 competitors present from 24 schools across Scotland, and the North of England.  The day started at 09:00 hrs with the umpire meeting, under the guidance of ITFS Umpire Chairman; Master Gordon Wallace 8th Degree.  Each umpire was assigned to one of the eight rings for the day, and assigned their specific umpiring role.

The event started after an official welcome from the event host Master Hutton, and each competitor under the age of 12 were presented with a participation medal before the tournament began at 09:30 hrs.

First up were the pattern divisions for our under 13 competitors, and our over 14’s started their championships with Power & Special Technique events.  Due to the high numbers, there were naturally some very busy divisions, the largest being the 8-10 years Male Green Belt Pattern event with 54 entrants.

We would like to thank everyone for their efforts throughout the day; the competitors who showed great sportsmanships during the competition, to the umpire’s for giving up their day to referee, and to the supporters for creating such a great and friendly atmosphere.

Also present on the day and overseeing events was Grand Master Tom MacCallum, President of ITF Scotland.  Grand Master MacCallum also presented the winners trophies and overall shields.

Throughout the day we had present an official photographer from Jason Kimings Photography present:  A full gallery of the images taken during the event can be found here.

These images will only be available until the 17th March, should you wish to order copies for your own use.


Results can be found below;


Overall Age Group Winners

7 years & under:   Tied

8 to 10 years:        Tied

11 to 13 years:       Erin Logan (Boydell TKD) – 3 Golds

14 to 17 years:      Stewart Mellon (Pro-Edge) – 3 Gold, 1 Silver

18 to 35 years:      Stephanie Willis (Master Hutton Fitness) – 3 Golds

36 years & over:    Martin Smillie (GMAC Martial Arts) – 3 Gold


Best overall School Champion


Club Gold Silver Bronze
Boydell TKD 25 (1) 18 23
GMAC Martial Arts 22 (1) 15 24
Master Hutton Fitness 13 (1) 9 9
Taekwon-Do Association of England 13 17 14
Scotia 13 11 14
Pro-Edge 10 (1) 7 5
McGowan’s BBA 10 11 7
MWBA 8 13 13
Club Lee 6 11 21
S.M.A.C. 6 7 21
A.B.C. 5 4 9
Erskine 4 3 6
South Queensferry 4 2 1
Glasgow East 3 5 6
Broxburn 3 4 0
DMBBA 3 3 8
Inverness 3 1 1
Shaw Martial Arts 2 2 1
Pailsey TKD 2 1 1
Howden 1 3 6
Coatbridge 1 2 9
Chimera 0 3 3
UKITF 0 1 1
Firhill 0 0 3


A small selection of images from the event;

A full gallery of the images taken during the event can be found here.

Report by

Mrs. Gillian McIlvaney

Tournament Director

NTA Three Master’s Seminar & Black Belt Grading

MS5The NTA Masters Seminar was held on Saturday 24th January in the Montrose Sports Centre, Montrose. The Seminar was conducted by Master Wallace 8th Deg, Master McNairn 7th Deg and Master Campins 7th Deg.

The groups were split into Junior Colour Belts, Senior Colour Belts and Blackbelts and taken through Patterns, kicking, step sparring and sparring drills. The Seminar was well attended and lots were learned as always.

Following the Seminar, the Degree Grading was held in Master McNairns Blackbelt Academy for four 1st Kup students.

We are delighted to announce that they successfully promoted to 1st Degree – Mrs Catriona Steel, Mr Rico Campins, Miss Erin Logan and Mr James Craik.

Well done to them all.

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100th IIC Updates & Registration Information

Dear ITF Scotland Members,

The closing date for the 100th IIC has now been set as 20th February.  Please do not delay in forwarding your applications to this most historical of International Instructors Courses.  At present we have hit 300 applicants with over 200 of those attending the Banquet on the Friday evening.

As the numbers grow we have taken the decision to alleviate some of the registrations on Thursday/Friday of the IIC, we intend to do IIC registrations for ITF Scotland applicants on Friday & Saturday 6th & 7th of March in your areas.

The registration will be for us to collect the course fee and issue IIC gift packs to all ITFS applicants. That way all ITFS applicants can go straight to the course and not via registration.


We can do this by group so if all groups could collect the course fees per their own schools, we will collect in areas of Lothian, East Kilbride and Glasgow. We will be available all day Friday and Saturday so if you can advise a time and a place for us to come that will be most helpful.

Best regards


Master Wallace

Head of Organising Committee



Please note; The IIC Banquet is now being held on the Friday night at the Aberdeen Asset Management Suite, Pittodrie Statium, Aberdeen.


First ITF Scotland Child Protection Course’s

ITF Scotland’s Child Protection Officer and tutor Ms. Angela Lindie took the first in a series of Child Protection Courses for our Instructors and Black Belts over the weekend of 17th & 18th January.  The first course’s (workshop 1) was held in Aberdeen at Master Wallace’s Blackbelt Academy on Saturday, and on the Sunday at GMAC Martial Arts in Livingston.

Both courses were very interactive, with the participants breaking off into groups to work on scenario based exercise’s of situations that may arise within class or competition.  The forum also gave the participants a chance to raise and discuss any thoughts and ask questions on the subject.  The course gave a better awareness of situations in the peripheral activities around the gym and not just on the dojang floor.

ITF Scotland would like to thank Ms. Lindie on delivering the first series of course’s, and look forward to working with the other groups in delivering the course in their respective area’s over the next few months.

Over the weekend 54 participants took the first workshop, 24 participants in Aberdeen, and 30 in Livingston, see some picture’s from the course below.


“NTA would like to thank Miss Angela Lindie and our Secretary General, Mr David Condie V Degree for their time and coming up to present the first in a series of Child Protection Course for instructors in ITF Scotland.  The course was very well received and Miss Lindie was very generous with her time and her knowledge.  The course was very valuable and dispersed fears that it was going to be an exercise in political correctness.  It was most certainly fours well spent and all of our instructors, assistants and support staff came away with a feeling of confidence in how we deal and address this very sensitive subject.”



ITF Scottish Championships – 22nd February 2015

ITF Scottish 2015Dear Masters and Instructors,

ITF Scottish Championships 2015

It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the ITF Scottish Championships on Sunday 22nd February 2015, in Glasgow, Scotland.

This competition is open to all ITF Taekwon‐Do students 10th Kup to 6th Degree.

Please take the time to read the following information. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Tournament & Umpire Committee.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at the competition.


Yours in Taekwon‐Do


Mrs. G. McIlvaney

ITF Scotland Tournament Committee



ITF Scotland Invite 2015

2015 ITFS National Champs – Individual Entry Form

2015 ITFS National Champs – School Entry Form

ITF Scottish 2015 – Poster


World Championships Team Selection’s

itf-taekwondo-world-championship-2015-italy22nd December 2014


Dear Masters and Instructors,

ITF Scotland National Team Selection

I invite all competitors to apply for selection to the ITF Scotland National Team attending the World Championships in Jeselo, Italy – 27th to 31st May 2015.

The selection event will be held on Sunday 25th January at GMAC Martial Arts, Craigshill Road, Livingston, EH54 5DT. The selections will commence at 10am.

Please note that on arrival all competitors will be weight checked, and must be within 2kg of their chosen sparring weight.


All competitors wishing to go forward for selection must apply to the Team Manager no later than Wednesday 21st January. Applications should be sent to

Junior competitors must be minimum of 14 years on the first day of competition; all those born in the year 1997 must compete as a Junior. Senior’s should be born in 1996 or earlier, as per the rules of competition in the official invite.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. Robin Blair

ITF Scotland Team Director


Application Forms can be downloaded below, and should reach the Team Manager by 21st January.

ITF Scotland Team Selection Applications