National Squad Training Returns 17th August

ITF Scotland LogoITF Scotland National Squad Training sessions return this Sunday 17th August in preparation for the ITF World Championships and European Championships 2015.

The sessions will be held at GMAC Martial Arts, Craigshill Road, Craigshill, Livingston, EH54 5DT.

Junior Session (12 years & under)          10.00am – 11.30am            Cost £5

Senior Session (13 years & over)            12 noon – 3.00pm              Cost £10

ITF Scotland Coaching Team

NE Challenge Cup – 21st September

2014 Public PosterThe 2014 North East Challenge Cup will take place on Sunday 21st September at Beach Leisure Centre, Sea Beach, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR.

This competition is open to Taekwon-Do Students only.  There will be four individual and one team event contested; Pattern, Sparring, Special Technique, Power Test and Pre-Arranged Free Sparring.

Information Pack can be found below alongside Entry Forms and Instructor Application Details.


2014 NE Challenge Information

2014 NE Challenge – Individual Entry

2014 NE Challenge – School Entry

2014 NE Challenge – Spectator Entry

West Lothian Open – 30th August 2014

West_lothian_open_blankThe 2014 West Lothian Open Championships will take place on Saturday 30th August at Aramadale Academy, West Lothian, EH48 3LY.

Information Pack can be found below alongside Entry Forms and Instructor Application Details.

WLO2014 Invitation and Information Pack

Individual Entry Form 2014

2014 School & Spectator Applications


Northern Taekwon-Do Academies celebrate Three Masters Promotion

Saturday 14th June was a very special for Northern Taekwon-Do Academies (NTA), affiliated to ITF Scotland, as it celebrated the recent promotion at the 92nd IIC in Dublin 2014 of three of its senior instructors to Master level.

Master Gordon Wallace VII was promoted to VIII degree; Mr David McNairn and Mr Jamie Campins were both promoted to VII degree master. To have one promotion local or national for that matter is very special, but to have three is extra special and some thought once in a lifetime. To make this presentation of certificates and belts an occasion to reflect the significance of the event, NTA invited guest of honour Grandmaster MacCallum IX to our Masters Presentation to make the presentations formally and in front NTA students and parents.

NTA GROUP 1 Opening Address

Master Wallace introduced our guest of honour and Grandmaster MacCallum gave an opening address about his personal history and lifetime experiences in Taekwon-Do.

Following the address, the certificate presentations took place along with the masters’ new belts which they were extremely happy to wrap around. Each recipient then gave a short speech about their lifetime’s achievements and memorable moments and in some cases the memories were quite emotional especially when Mr James C Scott was mentioned and how happy and proud he would have been to see Mr McNairn the last of his students gain 7th degree master. To give a little background here Mr James Scott was the instructor of Elgin and Cupar schools of Taekwon-Do and died at the age of 41, a IV degree. Mr Scott has five masters as his legacy; Master JF Williamson VIII, Master G Wallace VIII, Master M Thompson VII, Master S Dunbar and now Master D McNairn VII, all of whom are still practicing.

Following the presentations and speeches, students and parents were given the opportunity to ask the four masters questions. This proved to be very popular and really could have lasted for hours. The formalities finished with an NTA group photograph and afterwards the masters were available for a signing session on belts, books etc. to mark this unique occasion. The presentation lasted three hours and finished at 5pm whereby the Invited guests masters, instructors all went out to have meal and what was thought at the time the conclusion of the day.

Certificate PhotoThe meal was very nice, Italian of course, and as the food digested, the ties were removed and digestifs received in the form of malt whisky, selected by Master McNairn, were ordered. It was “agreed” by certain members of the meal that we would accompany GM MacCallum back to his hotel and have a nightcap with him before saying goodnight. That was the plan….However further deviousness unfolded as the wives had been busy bees and organised a very, very sneaky reception party at the hotel GM was staying and the special day continued on into the night.

After regaining some composure, the already relaxed masters with no ties, looking like extras out of a Quentin Taratino movie, joined the party. Once all inside the room, Mr Mark Boydell V degree became Master of Ceremonies began with the unveiling of the party conspirators. What followed was the acceptance of commemorative plaques, and in addition personalised individual celebration cakes!! After much toasting and hand shaking, everything relaxed into a very informal time for all. Selfies were a plenty and the party was a great success and ended a very special day and on speaking on behalf of the masters, one that will be very special day in our Taekwon-Do journey.

Party 2 Party 3

Our special time started in Dublin, continued with all the lovely comments on Facebook, the presentation reception and the closing party.

So in closing this celebratory chapter in our careers, we would like to thank everyone who had a part in it, from the ITF promotions Committee, GM Marano and GM Bos in promoting us, to GM MacCallum in taking time out to make the journey north and make our presentations special, to the party organisers and friends on Facebook who made some lovely comments and those who gave us a “like”, for all the efforts and kindness shown to us by our students in NTA, thank you, you made it a very memorable time.

Party Pres 1 Party Pres 2


Master’s Promotions for ITF Scotland

1980351_641557939264742_2519352418338240221_oOn behalf of ITF Scotland Board of Directors we would like take the opportunity to congratulate the following senior members who were promoted on Saturday 24th May, during the 92nd IIC held in Dublin, Ireland.

The grading panel consisted of ITF Technical Committee members; Grand Master Morano IX Degree, Grand Master Bos IX Degree and Grand Master Lan IX Degree.


Promoted to 7th Degree

Master Jamie Campins VII Degree

Master David McNairn VII Degree


Promoted to 8th Degree

Senior Master Gordon Wallace VIII Degree


Many ITF Scotland members were in attendance not only to take part in the IIC and build upon their knowledge, but also to support three of our senior ranks who were testing for further degrees.  A full list of participants from ITF Scotland can be found below;


1.  Master Gordon Wallace VIII

2.  Master Mark Hutton VII

3.  Master Jamie Campins VII

4.  Master David McNairn VII

5.  Mr. Robin Blair VI

6.  Mr. Brian McGowan V

7.  Mr. Mark Boydell V

8.  Mr. Arthur Doyle IV

9.  Mr. Ronnie Dewhurst IV

10.  Mrs. Jacqui Wallace III

11.  Mrs. Ngaire Boydell III


A full gallery of picture’s taken over the course of the IIC can be found in our Gallery and via the Facebook page.  Photo’s courtesy of Mr. Dewhurst and Mr. Doyle.


European Championships 2014 Results

10307426_10152492069841414_1006878647935802914_nThe 29th Senior & 20th Junior AETF European Championships were held in Riccione, Italy from 24th – 27th April.  Nineteen Black Belts from across Scotland were selected to represent Scotland at this prestigious event.

ITF Scotland Team

Senior Female:  Stephanie Willis, Rachel Morning and Rheannan Brown.

Senior Male:  Ross Penman, Alexander Gray, Greg Spark, Iain O’Hare and David Gray.

Junior Female:  Megan Smillie, Katrina Carr, Megan Brown, Caitlin McGhee and Christina McGhee.

Junior Male:  Liam Bain, Lewis Walker, Kieran Cain, Dylan Christie, Matthew O’Hare and Gregor Towers.

For many members of the team it was their first venture on the European Stage, all those representing Scotland done so to the best of their ability, showing good improvement from previous campaigns.

A special mention to Kieran also for taking his Bagpipes and playing throughout the event, rallying the moral of the team during their competition and to play whilst Katrina received her European Title.

Scottish Results

 Congratulations to the following Medalists at the event;

GOLD – Katrina Carr – Junior Female -45kg Sparring

SILVER – Caitlin McGhee – Junior Female Power

BRONZE – Stephanie WIllis – Senior Female Power

BRONZE – Alexander Gray – Senior Male -63kg Sparring

BRONZE – Stephanie WIllis, Rachel Morning & Rheannan Brown – Senior Female Team Power

The overall result for Scotland was 14th from 31 Countries.

The next European’s are on home soil, Glasgow, October 2015.

It could be you representing your country at the next Euro’s!  National Squad Training Date’s will be made available soon.

2014 National Championships Report

ITF Scotland held their 2014 National Championships on 13th April at the Ravenscraig Regional Sports Facility in Motherwell.  This year there were 455 competitors from 22 schools, including visiting schools from outside of Scotland; NE Sport Taekwon-Do (Wales), Trident Group (England), and TAE (England).

The day got under way at 09:30am after a morning umpire’s meeting under the guidance of Master Gordon Wallace 7th Degree, head of the Umpire Committee.  Each set of umpire’s were assigned their rings for the day.  The event started with the youngest students in the following categories;  Under 7’s,  8 – 10 years and 11 – 13 years competing in Patterns, Sparring and Special Technique.  And our over 14 – 17’s, 18 – 35’s and over 36 years age groups starting with Power and Special Technique, before their Patterns and Sparring in the afternoon.


2014-04-13 13.16.37


This year’s tournament saw new rules come in to place for Pattern competition with all Males and Female’s being in separate divisions for their Patterns as well and the other events.  This proved to be very successful move forward for ITF Scotland.

We would like to thank everyone for their efforts throughout the day, the competitors showed great sportsmanships during the competition, to the umpire’s for giving up their day to referee, and to the supporters for creating such a great and friendly atmosphere.



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Results can be found below and full pictures are available via our Facebook page.


2014 Overall Competitor’s

7 years & under          Brodie Petrie (Boydell TKD)  3 Gold’s

8 – 10 years                  Tie

11 – 13 years                 Tie

14 – 17 years                 Katrina Carr (Boydell TKD)  4 Gold’s

18 – 35 years                 Tie

36 years and over        Aileen Alberts (Boydell TKD) 3 Gold’s


2014 Overall School


  Gold Silver Bronze
Taekwon-Do UK 33 29 33
Boydell TKD 26 (3) 18 31
Master Wallace BBA 17 16 14
GMAC 12 13 19
Club Lee 10 17 14
Scottish Martial Arts Centre 8 8 20
McGowan’s BBA 7 5 11
Coatbridge 7 4 4
TKD Accociation of England 6 4 6
Howden TKD 5 6 4
DMBBA Montrose 5 1 2
NE Sport Taekwon-Do 3 4 2
Pro-Edge 3 4 2
Erskine TKD 3 2 8
Trident Group 2 4 3
Glasgow East 2 3 10
Chimera 2 1 5
Aberdeenshire Blackbelt Clubs 1 4 4
Paisley 1 1 2
Dunbar’s BBA 1 1 0
Garry Shaw Martial Arts 1 1 0
Newcastle Blackbelt Academy 0 1 0


A list of the top three results per division can be downloaded here


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Mightyfist Dobok Sponsorship


ITF Scotland have secured a sponsorship deal with Mightyfist to supply doboks to all ITFS national team members for the coming campaign.  All ITFS national team members will wear Mightyfist ITF approved doboks at the upcoming European Championships in Italy.

ITF Scotland would like to thank Mightyfist for their sponsorship of our athletes.

ITF Scotland Championships – Umpire Update

Dear Instructor’s, Umpire’s and Black Belt’s,

With regards to the National Championships this coming Sunday 13th April.

There will be further training for all selected Jury President & Centre Referee’s to held on Saturday 12th April from 1pm – 5pm at GMAC Martial Arts, Livingston, EH54 5LU.  Dress code Tracksuit and Dobok.  Please also bring a copy of the ITFS Tournament rules.

Jury President’s

Mr. Garry Shaw VI, Mr. Robin Blair VI, Mr. David Murphy VI, Mr. John McIlvaney V, Mr. Mark Boydell V, Mr. David Lupton V, Mrs. Jackie Timoney V and Mr. Brian McGowan V.

Centre Referee’s

Mr. John McManus IV, Mr. Arthur Doyle IV, Mr. Stewart Walker IV, Mr. Daniel McGhee IV, Mr. Colin Lyon III, Mr. John Munro III, Mrs. Jacqui Wallace III, Mrs. Ngaire Boydell III, Mr. Lee Anderson III, Mr. Gordon Graham III, Mr Michael Leask III, Mr. Steven Lee III, Mr. Brian Anderson II and Mr. Derek Torrens II.


All Black Belts and Umpire’s should attend the competition in official ITF Dress as per Tournament Rules;  Navy Jacket and Trousers, long sleeved white shirt, Navy Tie, WHITE GYM SHOES and pen.

An umpire meeting for all black belts will take place at the venue at 08:30 am.  Please ensure you arrive and register prior to this.

1st ITF Scotland Umpire Course Report

1st ITF Scotland Umpire Course

23rd February 2014, Livingston, Scotland.

ITF Scotland hosted its first National Umpire Qualification Training, with 67 blackbelt members attending. The course was presented by the ITF Scotland Umpire Committee, Master Gordon Wallace VII, Mr David McNairn VI, Mr Mark Boydell V and Mr David Lupton V. The event was hosted by the ITF Scotland Tournament Committee, Mr & Mrs McIlvaney, at their gym at Livingston.

The course lasted from 0900 till 1800 and was the first stage of the national umpire qualification process. The course had been formulated around the launch of the new ITF Scotland Tournament Rules for 2014. The rules encompass a very wide range of competitor ages, grades and physicality, therefore to umpire efficiently and fairly it was important to have a fit for purpose course to present the various codes of practice and procedures for the umpires to follow.

The day started with Master Wallace outlining the scope and purpose of the course, along with the mission statement of intent from the Tournament and Umpire Committees to continuous development of our Umpires, and from the networking that followed so many blackbelts did not come forward to umpire of a lack of self-confidence I this area. The course in our opinion had bridged that gap and encompassed an untapped reserve of degree members who never have, or have passed the age of where they can compete at a national tournament, but can have an enormous contribution to the development of our younger members and athletes by becoming a national umpire.

Master Wallace continued with the extreme importance of the wider practical duties of umpires who may not be seated in a scoring role but without their input, in keeping pro-active with preparing the readiness of the following matches and divisions, the competition schedule falls behind and the overall tournament dynamic suffers and quite possibly a visitors perspective of the event. Master Wallace extended about the importance of the umpire’s image and how we present ourselves as an organisation to visitors and spectators. The opening section was essentially described as “Do” for Umpires.

Master Wallace closed his session with the technical section of Pattern rules and the deduction point scoring techniques that is now applied to the performance assessment. The section looked closely at the methods of comparing competitor performance and scoring a pattern performed by a varied level competitors taking into account age, experience and physicality. The section closed with everyone being involved in small group practical scoring exercises.

The second session of sparring was conducted by Mr David McNairn VI and Mr David Lupton V. The applied rules and divisions were explained, but as with all sparring sections of an umpire course, experienced and novice blackbelts alike have issues determining right from left when initiating two different warnings to two competitors! Much fun allowed many lessons to be learned and most importantly with a lot of people now thinking that they would like to be centre referees as it is seen as a challenge to overcome. A very good question and answer session followed before the groups split of to try and test our novice centre referees in training.

Mr McNairn and Mr Lupton further discussed what constitutes a valid point from a technical standpoint and also what constitutes a point when infractions to the rules are involved. This again prompted a good question and answer session.

The last section of the day was for power and special technique and was conducted by Mr Mark Boydell. In order to raise the profile of power breaking within our national tournament, a new format has been introduced which involved Pre-Qualifying and Medal Rounds. Clarification of the rules, procedures and umpire commands for both power and special technique were discussed and again a good question and answer session followed.

The course closed with Mr McNairn extending his passion for the National Flags of Scotland and how they should be hung correctly as banners on walls or suspended over railings at championships as he is extremely dismayed that in many occasions it is back to front. The delegation left the course after all the official photographs were taken, full of knowledge about umpire rules and national flag hanging procedures.