A complimentary Umpire Refresher Course is being held as follows, in advance of the National Championships.
Venue: Zoom Platform (Details via secretarygeneral@itfscotland.com)
Date: Sunday 7th May 2023
Time: 12:00 – 15:00 hours

Apr 12
Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th May 2023
Dear Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors,
It is with great pleasure that you and your students are invited to the ITF Scottish Championships on 13th & 14th May 2023, according to the following schedule;
Saturday 13th May
13 years & under
(Youth, Cadet & Pre-Junior)
Sunday 14th May
14 years & over
(Junior, Senior & Adv. Senior)
ASN Competitors
(All ages)
This competition is open to ITF Taekwon-Do students 10th Kup to 6th Degree.
Please take the time to read the information in the attached document. Entry forms, and pre-paid spectator entry forms are attached at the end of the information pack.
Details of the Umpire Refresher Course and Centre Referee Training will be published in due course.
We look forward to seeing you and your students at the competition in May.
Yours in Taekwon-Do,
ITF Scotland Tournament & Umpire Committee
Apr 12
2023 National Centre Referee Training
Venue: MWBA Aberdeen, AB11 9AA
Time: 10:00 – 14:00 hours
Cost: £35.00 payable on arrival (returnable on completion of a full day umpiring at the ITFS Championships.
Course Details:
Under the supervision of ITFS Umpire Committee Chairman MASTER MCNAIRN VIII Deg (International Umpire), the course will be expedited by Committee members SABUM JACQUI WALLACE IIV Deg (current International Centre Referee) & SABUM JOHN MUNRO V Deg (International Umpire). Both have a wide range of experience in controlling the skills and energies at the highest level in both Individual & Team Sparring.
This practical session aims to help find a new generation of sparring centre referees for ITF Scotland as well as refresher training for those with experience. It is a great opportunity to review current ITF rules and best practices in this role and attendees will be expected to use their training to help centre at the upcoming ITF Scotland Championships.
This will be a small group session for Degree holders only with numbers limited to 20 SPACES.
Book via the link below:
Mar 16
Mar 10
Dear Grand Masters, Masters & Instructors,
The ITF World Championships will be held in Tampere, Finland from 4th-10th September 2023.
The ITF Scotland National Team Selection for the event will be by way of a selection tournament held as follows:
Registration and further details can be accessed via:
Registration is now open. The closing date for entries is Sunday 19th March @ 23:59 hours.
Please note: coaches and umpires should also be registered via the link above.
ITF Scotland wish all athletes the best of luck at the selection event.
Feb 01
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of ITF Scotland was held on Sunday the 15th of January, at the Mercure Hotel, Perth.
The meeting was opened and attendees welcomed by the Chairman of ITF Scotland, Mr. Adam Paterson. After welcoming the members of ITF Scotland to the meeting, Mr Paterson then highlighted some key events that had happened over the course of the past year, since the election of the newly formed ITF Scotland Board. One notable event that was highlighted was the promotion to Grand Master for Gordon Wallace. ITF Scotland once again would like to congratulate Grand Master Wallace on his promotion to IX Degree.
Mr Paterson also informed the membership that the Board of Directors had appointed Mrs Lorna Singleton as Chair of the Tournament committee and Master David McNairn as Chair of the Umpire Committee, both pending acceptance from the individuals.
Following on from Mr Paterson, the Secretary General, Mrs. McIlvaney, spoke further and gave a full report of the promotions , national and international events for 2022 and outlined some of ITFS plans for the coming years.
Mrs Jacqui Wallace, ITFS Treasurer gave an outline of the financial report for 2021/2022 and an analysis on the past 12 months income and expenditure. It was noted that these accounts were of those responsible to the former ITFS Treasurer, before the election of Mrs Wallace in 2022.
Miss Brown, the director responsible for ITF Scotlands PVGs, advised of the number of new applicants in 2022 and that as part of her new role she would be proactive in ensuring instructors are up to date with current disclosure procedures.
After the reports had been approved by the membership, the ITF Scotland Board introduced a draft proposal for a change to the National Team Coaching Structure. Mr Paterson outlined some of the key points and members were issued with copies to take away with them. The ITFS Board welcome feedback on the document.
Currently, there is a vacant position on the ITFS Board of Directors. This position was advertised in advance of the AGM and no valid applications where received before the application deadline. The position has been opened back up for applications with the deadline being the 13th of February 2023.
The ITFS Board of Directors informed the membership that they would call an EGM in the coming months to vote on the National Team Coaching Structure and the Vacant Board position.
The Board of Directors would like to thank everyone for their attendance at the AGM, and look forward to seeing all at the upcoming EGM.
Report: Mr E Donnelly
Jan 31
Dear Grand Masters, Masters & Instructors,
The ITFS Board of Directors passed a resolution at a board meeting on 29th January 2023, to call an Extraordinary General Meeting according to article 24.2 of the International Taekwon-do Federation (Scotland) Limited Articles of Association 2022_rev0.
Date of EGM: Sunday 5th March @ 6pm
Venue: Digital Platform Zoom
A full agenda will be sent to all ITFS members in the next few days via email from the Secretary General.
Jan 31
Dear Grand Masters, Masters & Instructors,
ITF Scotland Board of Directors welcome applications for the following vacant position on the board:
Those members who are interested in applying for the position should submit the attached paperwork, alongside a covering letter/CV on or before the closing date of 13th February 2023.
All applications should be sent to secretarygeneral@itfscotland.com
Jan 20
ITFS Board of Directors, at a meeting of the board on 15th January 2023, appointed two new committee chairs for the term 2023 / 2024 as follows:
Umpire Committee Chair: Master David McNairn VIII Degree
Tournament Committee Chair: Mrs. Lorna Singleton III Degree
We would like to wish them both the very best of success in their new roles going forward.
At this time those members of ITF Scotland, who wish to be considered for a position on either of the above named committees are asked to contact the Chairs directly, or the secretary general with their note of interest and a short resume for consideration, on or before 27th January 2023.
Jan 12
Dear Grand Masters, Masters and Instructors,
ITF Scotland wish to announce the recent resignation of Miss. Katja Hansen V Degree, from her role as Head Sparring Coach of the National Team. As well as the resignation of Mr. Steven Thain III Degree, from his role as Assistant Sparring Coach of the National Team.
Both Miss Hansen and Mr Thain have been an integral part of the coaching team in Scotland for the past years, having coached numerous individual competitors and teams over their term as coaches of the national team, steering many to medal on the European & World Championship stage.
ITF Scotland and its Board of Directors would like to thank once again Miss Hansen and Mr Thain for their endeavours as part of the coaching team, and wish them all the best for the future.