Please note that this Sunday will be the last chance for potential squad members to make themselves known to the coaches. In the hall there will be a number of sign-up sheets for different individual and team events. Those wishing to be considered for selection, should add their names to the relevant form/s.
Based in the information we gather from the sign-up forms, we will be able to make a decision as to whether or not there is a need for a selection competition to go ahead in February. So if you are hoping for a place in the squad, please come along to this Sunday and sign up!
A reminder also to our members that the position of Team Patterns Coach is still vacant. This position needs to be filled immediately so we can prepare any competitors hoping to enter this event.
Please email me at mastercampins@yahoo.co.uk if you have any questions or concerns regarding the above.
National Squad Training
Sunday 31st of January 11.00am – 2.00pm
Craigwillow Centre, Livingston
EH54 5DT
Master J. Campins VII
ITF Scotland Team Director